Morse Code Translator
You can convert between Morse code and alphabet.

Usage Tips
⚑ Want to create your own ASCII art using dots? Visit our Dot Art page! (*^▽^)/
Please Read
  • This feature can be used on both PC and smartphones, but if you're using an old browser or device, some features may not work properly.
  • It recognizes the regular dot '.' and the regular hyphen '-'. Morse code made with special characters resembling dots and hyphens cannot be decoded.
Morse Code Translator
How was Morse code, the world's first systematic telegraph system, created? In the 1820s, with the development of electromagnets allowing control of electric signal strength, Samuel Finley Breese Morse developed telegraph symbols. It transmits signals made up of short bursts of current (dot '.') and long bursts of current (dash '-') to represent each letter of the alphabet. For example, A is '.-', B is '-..', C is '-.-.'. When the sender conveys a message according to the agreed Morse code, the receiver writes it down in readable letters based on Morse code conventions.

Have you ever seen a scene in a disaster movie where a rescue signal is sent in Morse code? The SOS signal is represented in Morse code as ... --- ... . How can you transmit this using a Morse code-specific transmitter? Simply tap three short signals, three long signals, and then three short signals! It's best not to need it, but it's good to memorize it just in case!

By the way, the unit that indicates the speed of Morse code is wpm, which stands for Words per minute. It shows how many words can be transmitted in a minute. In the snskeyboard Morse code translator, you can divide the transmission speed of your converted Morse code into 10, 15, 20, and 25 wpm for practice.
Detailed Usage Instructions
Use the period (.) and hyphen (-) symbols to input Morse code in the white box at the top. Characters made up of Morse code must be separated by a single space, and Morse code words must be separated by three or more spaces. You can visually distinguish Morse code words using the slash (/) symbol, with at least one space between each slash. If you want to convert letters into Morse code, don’t worry! Just input the alphabet in the text box, and we will convert it into Morse code for you.

After entering text in the input box, click the 'TRANSLATE' button to start the translation. If both Morse code and text are entered, the translator will prioritize Morse code translation! If you want to listen to the converted Morse code, click the 'PLAY' button, and adjust the 'wpm' dropdown to increase the playback speed.
add I clicked the 'PLAY' button to listen, but it says 'Web Audio API' is not supported.
The Web Audio API is a technology for playing audio on the web. Unfortunately, if you're using an old browser, this feature won't be available. Are you using Internet Explorer? snskeyboard recommends browsers like Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, which consistently receive the latest updates!
add I can't copy the text.
The Morse code translator does not have a separate copy button. Instead, drag the content displayed in the pink box to select the area to copy.
Usage Example
Although Morse code has been overshadowed by modern communication technologies, it will continue to exist as humanity's last means of communication. Try sending a message converted into Morse code to a friend and see if they can guess its meaning! Can't think of a message to send? Then, I recommend '.. .-.. --- ...- . -.-- --- ..-'!