Deco Font
Combine various special characters above the letters.

👀 Check the conversion result!
•͛ ♡̷̷̷ •͛
Usage Tips
⚑ The deco font page can utilize all special characters, including regular text. Try pasting English special characters copied from our Instagram Font page here. You'll see cooler and fancier fonts! (´ヮ`)
  • Enter the text you want to convert.
  • Click the 'COMBINE' button.
  • Copy the converted result and paste it wherever you like.
Please Read
  • All languages are supported, but optimal results are achieved when written in English.
  • The converted special characters may look different across devices like iPhones and Androids.
Deco Font
'Deco Font' is a feature that allows you to combine special characters above or below text. This may be a unique feature that deviates from common conventions. Thus, this principle involves a combination of text and Unicode rather than a typical input type. To represent the combined character, you need to construct it like 'text + Unicode + Unicode', expressing it as a single character. Because this is not a standard input method, using these special characters on Windows or macOS may require tedious processes like registry modifications. However, on this web page, you can easily and quickly combine characters using the features we provide. The process is simple: input the text you want to convert in the text box and click the 'Convert' button to transform the text. If the converted result is displayed incorrectly due to a typo, you can click the 'Reset' button below to start the conversion process over again.

Unlike most services that support only English or numbers, also supports most languages, including Korean and special characters. However, it's true that more satisfying results are obtained when written in lowercase English letters. If the characters fill a square text box, like uppercase English letters, special characters, and Korean or Chinese characters, the special characters above or below may get cut off. Even if you correctly copy text from the deco font page, this issue arises because the environment in which you're using it must also be considered. When pasting the converted result into a single-line input form or in areas designed with small input forms, the likelihood of such issues occurring is higher. Therefore, when using special characters converted from the 'Deco Font' page, it's more suitable to use them in slightly wider input forms.

Deco fonts are special characters created by combining text with several Unicode characters. The combined Unicode can be positioned above or below the text. Therefore, this type of character is likely to stray from formal expressions, and this transformation may not be supported in certain environments and may not display correctly.
Detailed Instructions
Deco fonts provide a feature that decorates text, as the name suggests. Although labeled as 'fonts', they are actually text. Unicode can exist as a single character like regular text, but some characters can be combined with specific characters or other Unicode. This is referred to as a 'Combining Character'. In modern digital environments, a system called Unicode is necessary to represent characters. To arbitrarily combine special Unicode characters with text, certain considerations must be made by the user. First, not all Unicode supports combination, and only designated characters can be combined. Second, while users can combine them arbitrarily, combining Unicode on Windows OS requires registry modifications. Because there are many considerations and it's tedious to combine characters with Unicode, it may be better to get help from apps or websites when doing so. snskeyboard offers various fun options to place Unicode characters above text. Characters composed of facial expressions are one example. Enter the text you want to convert in the prepared white text box, then click the 'Convert' button to complete the transformation. The converted result will be displayed in the gray box below. Clicking the button corresponding to 'Copy' will copy the converted result to the clipboard.
add Characters are not displaying correctly.
Character combinations are influenced by the rendering device. For example, if it doesn't work properly in the Safari browser, try testing it again in browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Please note that does not support Internet Explorer due to security issues and technical standards.
add Characters are cut off.
Each word that makes up a sentence occupies a virtual space. Typically, this virtual space is the basis for designing websites or apps. However, placing Unicode above characters can sometimes exceed the size of this virtual space. Therefore, if the platform has a virtual space size, it may be challenging to apply the deco font page. If you are a website administrator, increasing the vertical size of the input form could solve this issue. If the sentence is composed of lowercase English letters, the issue is usually resolved. Problems become more serious with languages filled with characters occupying virtual space, such as uppercase English letters, Korean, and Chinese.
Usage Examples
We often add emoticons like ':D' or ':P' at the end of sentences when chatting. This allows us to convey our feelings more directly. However, by utilizing the deco font page, we can convey fun emotions to others even without using these emoticons. If you use deco fonts regularly, it can be cumbersome to connect to snskeyboard each time, so it's good to use the 'Text Replacement' feature on iOS smartphones and the 'Text Shortcut' feature on Android smartphones (names vary by model and manufacturer).