Unicode Extractor
This is an online tool for extracting and decomposing special characters.

Decomposed Characters Unicode HTML Entity (Decimal)
Waiting for conversion.
Usage Tips
⚑ If you want to combine special characters to style things up, try using our snskeyboard's Deco Font feature! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
  • Please enter the special characters you want to extract in the "Enter characters to extract" field.
  • Click the 'EXTRACT' button to extract.
  • The results will be displayed in the table below.
Please Read
  • This page supports all texts and languages.
  • This feature runs extraction through JavaScript. If the function is not working properly, please check if JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings and try testing it in another browser.
Special Character Extractor
Hello! Thank you for visiting this feature. With this useful tool, you can enter text and we will extract and display all the special characters used in that text. Unicode is an international standard coding system that represents every character in the world, assigning a unique code number to each character to ensure consistent representation of different characters in computers. Now, using our extractor, you can easily check characters from various languages.
Detailed Usage Instructions
Using this feature is very simple. Enter the desired sentence or word in the text input box on the website and click the 'EXTRACT' button. The special characters used in the entered text will then appear in a table format. The table will provide the decomposed form of each character along with its Unicode number and HTML entity code (decimal).
add What is Unicode?
Unicode is an international standard coding system for representing all characters in the world. Each character is assigned a unique code number, allowing consistent representation of characters regardless of language in computers. By checking various languages and characters through the special character extractor, you can gain a deeper understanding of the importance and utility of Unicode.
add Which language characters can be extracted?
The special character extractor can extract characters from all languages. You can check characters from a variety of languages, including English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, and more.
add Can I modify or add characters through the special character extractor?
Unfortunately, the special character extractor does not offer the ability to modify or add characters. This feature is solely used to extract and display special character representations from the entered text.
add Can I check all special characters using the special character extractor?
Yes, you can check all special characters through the special character extractor. It can extract various special characters, including letters and numbers, punctuation marks, arrows, mathematical symbols, and more, all in Unicode format.
add How can the results from the special character extractor be utilized?
There are various ways to utilize the results from the special character extractor. In web development, you can convert specific characters into HTML entity codes for safe representation on web pages. Additionally, in multilingual projects, analyzing the Unicode characters in text can help with translations into other languages.
Usage Example
This feature is especially useful for those operating multilingual websites or developers working with various characters. You can check how specific characters are represented as special characters or use the extractor when you need to represent specific characters as HTML entity codes on a web page.

Now, try using the special character extractor to conveniently check and utilize various international characters. I hope it helps you with your multilingual projects or web development tasks!