Update History
β€» This list is not updated regularly.

2020.05.19 | There was an issue related to copyright recently. As a result of this, the category was adjusted and most content was deleted. Please note this. - [KAOMOJI/ASCII ART]

/// Hidden Update ///

2020.05.06 | Add 27 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]

2020.05.05 | Add 571 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.05.05 | Add 15 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.05.05 | Add 17 contents - [ASCII ART]

2020.05.04 | SSL security certificate authentication (https)
2020.05.04 | All pages translated into Korean

2020.05.03 | Add 17 contents - [ASCII ART]

2020.04.30 | Add 371 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.30 | Add 6 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.30 | Add 45 contents - [ASCII ART]

2020.04.29 | Add 13 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.29 | Add 78 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.29 | Add 10 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.29 | Add 20 contents - [AMUMAL PARTY]

2020.04.28 | Add 86 contents - [ASCII ART]

2020.04.27 | Add 54 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.27 | Web page optimizated - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.27 | Add 16 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.27 | Add 12 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]

2020.04.26 | Remove 8 duplicate texts - [KAOMOJI MAKER]
2020.04.26 | Newline options added - [INSTA LINE BREAK]
2020.04.26 | Improved website structure
2020.04.26 | Improved web accessibility

2020.04.24 | iOS input(:Focus) bug fixed
2020.04.24 | Add 8 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.24 | Add 1 content - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.24 | Usability improvement - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.24 | Add 2,023 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.24 | Add 1,163 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]

2020.04.23 | Improved website navigation efficiency
2020.04.23 | Delete 2 emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.23 | Opened Kaomoji Maker Tool
2020.04.23 | 8 bug fixed - [KAOMOJI MAKER]
2020.04.23 | Improved all page design
2020.04.23 | All pages pro tip items added
2020.04.23 | Functional improvement - [KAOMOJI MAKER]

2020.04.22 | Add 8 contents - [AMUMAL PARTY]

2020.04.21 | Add 5 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]

2020.04.19 | The basic structure of the website has been change - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.19 | The basic structure of the website has been change - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.19 | Add 139 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.19 | Delete 20 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.19 | Usability improvement - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.19 | Add 10 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.19 | Add 1 additional emoticon - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.19 | Add 10 contents - [AMUMAL PARTY]

2020.04.18 | Add 1 additional emoticon - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.18 | Web page optimization, usability improvements - [KAOMOJI]

2020.04.17 | Add 15 contents - [AMUMAL PARTY]

2020.04.16 | Opened Amumal Party Tool

2020.04.15 | Add 26 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.15 | Add 2 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.15 | Add 66 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]

2020.04.14 | Add 54 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.14 | Opened Scary Text Tool

2020.04.12 | Improved overall website usability
2020.04.12 | Add 13 font styles - [INSTA FONT]
2020.04.12 | Add 3 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.12 | Add 8 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.12 | Add 4 additional emoticons / Delete 2 emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.12 | Add 4 deco styles - [DECO FONT]

2020.04.11 | Add 5 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.11 | Opened 'About' page
2020.04.11 | Opened 'Terms of Service' Page
2020.04.11 | Opened 'Privacy Policy' Page
2020.04.11 | Add 20 deco styles - [DECO FONT]

2020.04.10 | Opened Emoji Text Tool
2020.04.10 | Add content - [INSSA FONT]
2020.04.10 | Add 5 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.10 | Add 5 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]

2020.04.08 | Add 10 contents - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.08 | Add 37 special characters - [SPECIAL FONT]
2020.04.08 | Add 13 deco styles - [DECO FONT]

2020.04.07 | Rollback - Korean translation
2020.04.07 | Add 26 special characters - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.07 | Add 47 additional emoticons - [KAOMOJI]
2020.04.07 | Article - 'Learn Unicode'
2020.04.07 | Article - 'How to copy text from app'
2020.04.07 | Add 2 font styles(Blue, Blue with space) - [INSTA FONT]

2020.04.05 | Add 1 special character - [ASCII ART]

2020.04.04 | Improve navigation styles
2020.04.04 | Add 11 special characters for 'Face' category - [SPECIAL FONT]

2020.04.03 | Add content - [ASCII ART]
2020.04.03 | Some pages translated into Korean

2020.04.02 | Added detailed description of snskeyboard tool

/// Hidden update ///

2020.03.01 | Opened snskeyboard website
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